Meor Halacha Program

Learn, Know and Retain

Following the Shitah of the Bet Yosef
Halachot that pertain to our everyday lives.

  • Structured In-depth Learning Program
  • Flexible Learning Schedule 20-30 minutes Daily
  • ​Weekly Engaging Zoom share
  • All Halachic Texts Provided
  • ​Hebrew and English summaries
  • ​Practical Application of Halacha
  • ​Sephardic Poskim
  • ​Focus on Clarity
  • ​Chazara Program
  • Learn on your own, or with a Chavruta
For more information, application and a free sample of program material please click below.

Meor Halacha Program  Learn, Know and Retain

Following the Shitah of the Bet Yosef, Halachot that pertain to our everyday lives.
  • Structured In-depth Learning Program
  • Flexible Learning Schedule 20-30 minutes Daily
  • ​​Weekly Engaging Zoom share
  • All Halachic Texts Provided 
  • ​​Hebrew and English summaries
  • ​Practical Application of Halacha
  • ​Sephardi Poskim
  • ​Focus on Clarity
  • ​Chazara System
  • Learn on your own with a Chavruta
For More Information And Application Please Fill Out The Form Below.

Great time to join! Starting a very practical topic of Hilchot Bishul on JUN/2/24 be’h”

Master Hilchot Shabbat in 18 months

The Meor Halacha Program is a structured, in-depth Halacha learning program that combines learning the Halacha with its practical application.

The Halachot will be learned directly from the sources in the Gemara, Rishonim, Acharonim and Shulchan Aruch through contemporary Sephardic poskim. By learning the Halacha starting from the original sources, you will gain a clear understanding of practical Halacha.

The approach we will be taking, focuses on deriving the Halacha clearly and concisely, without the confusion of various opinions.

This program places a strong emphasis on Chazara, so that the essential knowledge acquired through the program is retained. There are monthly tests, and at the end of every topic, there will be a comprehensive test.

We are now launching our Shabbat series, where you can not only learn the Halachot of Shabbat, but also understand the background of the Halacha, to know when and where it should be applied.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Amira L’Akum
  • ​Refua
  • ​Bishul
  • ​Shehiyha
  • ​Hatmana
  • ​Muktza
  • ​Hotza’ah
  • ​Melachot of Shabbat

Meor Halacha Program - Sample Shiur - Introduction

Meor Halacha Program - Sample Shiur - Introduction


I personally have the zechus in learning in Rabbi Aviv’s chabura on a daily basis. Any shiur on any sugya that you will hear from Rabbi Aviv will always have clarity. Even in the most difficult sugyos you will walk away with clarity. Aside from the chabura, Rabbi Aviv’s true ahavas Yisroel is evident and magnetic. We have the zechus in having a talmid Hacham amongst us. His outstanding knowledge is truly inspiring. Rabbi Aviv is a true friend and role model to our Kehillah. 

Shlomo Farhi - member of the chabura


Siyum dancing after completing the first cycle of Hilchot Shabbat

-Semicha on Hilchot Shabbat presented at the Siyum OCT/23/22

-Members of Meor Halacha Program celebrating together at the Siyum

Devar Torah at the Siyum

About Rabbi Eytan Aviv

Rabbi Eytan Aviv received his Semicha from Beis Medrash Govoah, Lakewood NJ, and is currently a Posek in Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz’s Beis Horaah. Rabbi Aviv has authored 2 Seforim: Yayin Hameshumar (on the Halachot of wine) and Ohr HaBrachot (on Mesechet Brachot). Rabbi Aviv leads a night kollel that follows this method of learning for the past 6 years, and delivers shiurim in Gemara and Halacha in the community. 

R' Eytan Aviv

Rosh Chabura Meor Halacha

Meor Halacha Learning 
Sponsorship Program.

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